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Summer Art Decorate your Bike Make A Flag
Most Americans will be attending a parade as part of their Independence Day celebration.
If your bicycle is going to the parade or you will be in the parade, we've provided supply lists and how to steps to turn bicycles, tricycles, and golf carts into a red, white and blue mobile display.
Flag making is an excellent way to celebrate a special occasion during the summer. The next activity lesson from the Resource Center is how to make your own flag. Great fun for the entire family.
Bicycle Decoration Materials
• Red crepe paper streamers
• White crepe paper streamers
• Blue crepe paper streamers
• Scissors
• Tape
• Bicycle, tricycle, golf cart or wagons make wonderful mini floats
How To Steps For Turning A Bike Into a Personal Float
Your Activity Steps
1. Decorate your bike with the different colors of streamers.
2. Use the tape to attach each streamer and the scissors to cut the streamers.
3. You can sometimes create streamers by pushing a bit of streamers in the handle bar grip end where there is a hole. These streamers will float when you ride your bike.
Creating Your Own Flag Activity
What You Need
• 12 x 18 (or poster board)
• Markers
• Scissors
• Tape
• 3/4 " dowel (optional)
• Clear Con-Tact paper (optional)
How To Make Your Personal or Family Flag
1. Write your name (really big) in the middle of the paper. Decide what things in your life are important to you. It could be your hobbies, team sports, pets, church, or anything else.
2. Pick a symbol to stand for each activity and draw them on the flag. (Or you could cut the symbols from construction paper and use glue to place them on the flag.) Try to think of as many things as you can that remind you of yourself so that the flag will be bright and colorful and really represent your life.
3. If you have clear adhesive paper, cover your flag so that it will be more durable and last longer. Most craft stores now carry single page lamination products.
4. If you have a dowel (these are wooden sticks you can buy at the hardware store or craft store), now is the time to give your flag its flagpole. Put several pieces of tape on the left (short)
edge and wrap this around your dowel so that your flag will be able to stand up.
5. Put it someplace special in a place of honor. The refrigerator or inside of storm door is good for that.