Category: Reviews Reviews
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Cyber Monday Statistics - 72 million consumers will shop online this year on Cyber Monday. Source: BIGresearch for Shop.org
- More than half (54.5%) of office workers with Internet access, or 68.5 million people, will shop for holiday gifts from work this year, up substantially from 50.7 percent in 2006 and 44.7 percent in 2005. Source: BIGresearch for Shop.org
- Men are more likely to shop from work than women (57.3% vs. 51.7%) and young adults 18-24 years old are more likely to shop there than any other age group (72.9%). Source: BIGresearch for Shop.org
- Many retailers offered one-day sales (28.9%) and free shipping on all purchases (24.7%) today. Source: Shop.org/Shopzilla eHoliday study conducted by BizRate.com
- 72.2 percent of online retailers are planning a special promotion for Cyber Monday, up from 42.7 percent just two years ago. Source: Shop.org/Shopzilla eHoliday study conducted by BizRate.com
- More than 550 online retailers post holiday promotions and special savings on cybermonday.com