The History of New Years

The celebration of the new year on January 1st is 

Holiday New Year

a relatively new phenomenon. The earliest recording of a new year celebration is believed to have been in Mesopotamia, c. 2000 B.C. and was celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March. A variety of other dates tied to the seasons were also used by various ancient cultures. The Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Persians began their new year with the fall equinox, and the Greeks celebrated it on the winter solstice. 

The early Roman Calendar designated March 1 as the new year. The calendar had just ten months, beginning with March. That the new year once began with the month of March is still reflected in some of the names of the months.  

 September through December, our ninth through twelfth months, were originally positioned as the seventh through tenth months (septem is Latin for “seven,” octo is “eight,” novem is “nine,” and decem is “ten”).

Read more: The History of New Years

New Year's Eve Party Guide to Hangovers

Hang Over Tips, Mythis, and Cures

hang overs cures tips myths

Your new year’s eve party will be great, but your hangover won’t. We all know that prevention is better than cure, but hey it’s party time in London town. 
With a little planning and only a smidge of self control, you can reduce a hangover from hell to a hangover from Helsinki to make new year’s day just a little more bearable and your new year’s eve party a little more memorable.

Read more: New Year's Eve Party Guide to Hangovers

How To Steps For A Safe and Successful New Year's Eve Event

new years holiday Never drink and drive, and never let your friends drink and drive. Take advantage of cabs, designated drivers or a friend's couch, if necessary.

Every year the New Year's bashes are becoming bigger and bigger. Organizers are innovating to the hilt to pull in the crowds. The crowd itself is getting increasingly eclectic because the travel is often included in the party charges. People from all over the world converge onto places like New York, Australia and Bali for New Year’s Eve. Amongst all the fun and noise it is important to ensure that the proceedings are engulfed in a net of safety. New Year’s Eve is a night that is ripe for the occurrence of any untoward event. It should not only be left to the law to take care that nothing bad happens. There are a host of safety measures that people can take for their own good on the big night.

Continue reading for your Safe New Years Eve Tips

Read more: How To Steps For A Safe and Successful New Year's Eve Event

History of New Year's At Time's Square

New York in 1904 was a city on the verge of tremendous changes - and, not surprisingly, many of those changes had their genesis in the bustling energy and thronged streets of Times Square. Several innovations that would soon completely transform the Crossroads of the World debuted in 1904: the invention of the neon light, the opening of the city's first subway line - and the first-ever celebration of New Year's Eve in Times Square.


This inaugural bash commemorated the official opening of the new headquarters of The New York Times. The newspaper's owner, German Jewish immigrant Alfred Ochs, had successfully lobbied the city to rename Longacre Square, the district surrounding his paper's new home, in honor of the famous publication. The impressive Times Tower, marooned on a tiny triangle of land at the intersection of 7th Avenue, Broadway and 42nd Street, was at the time Manhattan's second-tallest building -- the tallest if measured from the basement up.

Read more: History of New Year's At Time's Square

New Year's Eve Party With Friends


Holiday Decorations 

Here are some ideas for New Year's party decorations that you may like to try:

Light up your house with strings of colored or tiny white lights. String lots of small, white Christmas tree lights around the room.
Hang a large cardboard horseshoe on the door. Horseshoes mean good luck, but they must be hung the right way (ie like a cup) or the luck will fall out.
The more streamers and ribbons decorating the room, the more festive it will look and feel.

Make colorful paper chains and string them around the room.

Have bowls of colorful flowers on the table.

Use bright table napkins and/or place mats.


Read more: New Year's Eve Party With Friends